A note on my work
I have included 25 still images of my work on this website. These images can be classified into two general categories: humans and beasts. Each of these can then be split further into more specific genres. Under humans, I've divided my work up as realistic (Nina, Aya, Cover, Leucille, and Juniper) and fantasy (Avi, Gaia, Moon Tear, Santa, Brid, and Cesare). Nina and Aya were the results of my attempts at trying out a different color scheme from my usual monochromatic pieces; Leucille was experimentation with gradients and a different style of shading; Cover was a school assignment and was meant to practice composition. Brid was the end product of me trying out feathers designs; Moon Tear came out of me dabbling in a more cartoonish style; Avi and Gaia were requests from other people and were helpful to me learning how to utilize space for a piece; Cesare was also a request and was a trial for male anatomy. All turned out to be challenges for me to test out drawing people in various postures.
The beasts category can be divided into equines (Horses and Limerick) and fantasy (Celine, Noxious, and Peonryte) as well. Horses was an attempt to include figures and background on one canvas, while Limerick was my taking a shot at a more realistic style of drawing equines. Celine was a gift I did for a friend of mine, and was good practice for drawing wings and shading fur; Noxious was the most fun to do, as I was given free reign by a contest I entered to design a creature that was disfigured due to human experimentation, and it gave me a chance to be more creative with designing a character; Peonryte was one of the earliest works I did, and was the first test subject for a new style of shading and highlighting and lineart-making.